Welcome to Colorado Green Sprinklers
Professional lawn sprinkler Design & Installation
Colorado Springs Sprinkler Systems
A lawn sprinkler system when properly designed & installed is actually a Water Management Tool.
Anyone can throw a few landscaping sprinklers in the ground and call it an irrigation system. However, if the system is not installed & designed correctly it will not keep your grass green and it can waste water. Colorado Green does not sell our customers Sprinkler Systems; we sell our customers Green Grass & Healthy Beds.
It is critical to understand the design concepts; water system volume & pressure, head layout, and landscape requirements when designing & installing a sprinkler system.
- Each landscape is different and must be evaluated on the effects of evaporation.
- Southern exposures must be treated differently than northern exposures.
- Areas next to concrete require more water than those that are interior or shaded.
Many of these questions or circumstances are never asked or addressed by contractors selling or installing sprinkler systems. Colorado Green takes all of these scenarios into account when designing a system, installing a system, and doing any irrigation repairs.
A properly designed & installed system controlled by a multi program clock becomes a powerful management tool that can be used to keep your landscape healthy while conserving water.
719-488-6503 |Greenlawncolo@gmail.com
Copyright 2012: Colorado Green Sprinklers & Landscape | Colorado Springs Sprinkler | All rights reserved. 719-488-6503
For excellent services for Castle Rock, Monument, Falcon, Pikes Peak Region and Colorado Springs sprinkler systems, contact us today!
Sprinkler winterizations / system blow-outs
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